I'm always looking for someone to read books with and have discussions
Cherished Readings
Fictions or Inspirational-narratives
- A Series of Unfortunate Events Lemony Snicket
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Douglas Adams
Science and Engineering
- What Is Life Erwin Schrodinger
- The Selfish Gene Richard Dawkins
- Electric Universe David Bodanis
- The Society of Mind Marvin Minsky
- Godel, Escher, Bach Douglas Hofstadter
- Matrix Computations Gene H. Golub
- Reinforcement Learning Andrew Barto and Richard S. Sutton
- Hackers and Painters Paul Graham
- The Innovators Walter Isaacson
- Fluent Python Luciano Ramalho
- Python Cookbook Alex Martelli et al.
- The C Programming Language Brian Kernighan at al.
- Javascript the Good Parts Douglas Crockford
Some Great Dances